Friday, May 27, 2005
"haha you are goal oriented.."
look at this picture of another young girl in the silent secluded place of forest..
I disturbed her too with my camera..
I invited her with me on the path to my goal..
but she choosed to stay there,enjoying silence of the lake, goals..
and I continued on my path..alone(?) .. least my friend mind followed teasing me..
"haha, you are goal oriented.."..
then I put on Osho..and
osho was talking about being ordinary..
about brahmins who were faschists,Aryans,hitler...
and zen master Nansen...and much more..
This was 3rd chapter of Talks on zen:Returning to the Source.
Osho was talking in my ears (from Mp3 player)
Talks on Zen:Returning to the Source..
it was about.. being ordinary,..being 'nobody'...
"Be simple and nobody. Don't condemn anybody. Don't put yourself in a situation where you can feel holier than thou -- never. Just be ordinary. And when you are ordinary, all anxiety disappears..."
Listening Osho I could anyway enjoy gifts of nature on the path.. this little violets (next picture) smiling from the dead dry surounding..
Goal and Path
I started one saturday for a walk in the forest.
I had a goal...
to reach one little lake where I newer been before.
I was not in hurry.
It was exciting to go to one new, unknown place..
Many surprises were waiting on my path.. women was sitting silently...(I disturbed her little with my camera..)